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Why Is A Cloud-Based Visitor Management System The New Normal?

Why Is A Cloud-Based Visitor Management System The New Normal?

In the time before the pandemic, installing a digital visitor management system was not a necessity for most businesses. Only the companies that wanted to streamline the operation of their front desks installed such systems. However, the pandemic has changed that completely. Now, the companies are required to follow certain rules about managing the visitors to reduce the outbreaks. That is why different organizations, like schools, aged care facilities and manufacturing facilities are implementing the iLobby Badge System to improve the way they track their visitors.

The companies are currently trying to solve issues, like workplace safety. With the help of these systems, the companies can now track the information about the visitors beforehand and make sure that the high-risk individuals do not come to their premises.

It also helps to keep tabs on the health conditions of the employees to keep the workplace COVID-free. Despite these safety features, it is the benefits that these smart systems offer compared to the pen and paper counterpart that have made these systems so popular.

In the following section of this article, we will explore the reason why the visitor management software will remain important even after the pandemic becomes a thing of the past.

Broken barriers To Adopting A VMS

Even though the iLobby Badge System helped the companies streamline the visitor management process, most of them choose not to implement this system as it does not solve any of the existing issues. However, once the pandemic started, the companies were almost compelled to consider the visitor management systems for their offices.

As it became obvious that the traditional pen and paper method of visitor management can no longer keep the employees safe, the demand for the visitor management system skyrocketed almost overnight. The visitor management software not only keeps the information of the visitors safe, but it can also offer contact less sign-in options. Not only that, a smart visitor management system can traces the health screenings and evaluations, and aid the contact tracing efforts as well.

As more and more countries are opening the doors of businesses to overcome the economic impact of COVID-19, the demand of the iLobby Badge System is increasing as well. The companies are realizing that a visitor management system can help them to ensure that they follow all the rules and regulations of the government while entertaining the visitors in their office premises.

As the companies are facing the mounting pressure on keeping their employees and visitors safe from the claws of the pandemic, they are understanding that a visitor management system can be a real friend in their fight.

There is no doubt that the global pandemic worked as a catalyst to enhance the demands of the visitor management systems so rapidly. It helped the businesses to understand how effective the system can be as the first line of defense that can mitigate the threat of COVID-19 ensuring the safety of everyone in your office.

The Clear Advantages

Right now, most businesses are choosing to concentrate on the safety features of the visitor management system as it is helping them to reduce the chances of an outbreak. There is no doubt that features like contract tracing and screening out the high-risk individuals can be beneficial for the companies using it. However, there are other benefits of the system that the businesses fail to recognize. Some of those benefits are boosting building security, improving the visitor experience, and reducing costs and streamlining the visitor management process.

The Clear Advantages

Building Security

Along with keeping your employees safe from the pandemic, the visitor management system can also enhance the building security by identifying the visitor from your database. Some of the advanced iLobby Badge System can even track the employees while they are moving about in the premises. In this way, a visitor management system deters the malicious intent of the visitors and keeps your business safe.

Reducing Costs

By streamlining the visitor management process of your office, the smart system can enhance the efficiency of the front desk staff. This enhanced efficacy will reduce the visitor processing costs of your company over time. If you implement this smart system, the visitors would be able to simply sign in with the help of their smart devices.

It will make sure that your receptionists get enough time in their hands to concentrate on other more necessary jobs of your office. Also, as this system makes the entire process paperless, you will have to spend less money behind office stationeries.

Better Visitor Experience

The visitor management system is faster and perhaps one of the best ways to streamline the way the visitors enter your premises. With the new system in the hem, the visitors don’t need to wait for long hours in queues to complete the signing process. They do not have to fill long forms as well. They can just use their smart devices to scan the QR codes to gain permission for entrance. This not only makes the process faster but also makes the visitors feel safer as they do not have to touch any unfamiliar screen.

Now that you know the benefits of using such an interesting system, you must understand why the iLobby Badge System will stay relevant even after the pandemic is over. So, if you want to keep your employees safe and improve the visitor experience of your company, you should install such a smart system in your office today.

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