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How Many Followers Do You Need to be Instagram Famous?

How Many Followers Do You Need to be Instagram Famous?

How Many Followers Do You Need to be Instagram Famous?

Social media has become a vehicle of brand promotion and has a quantitative impact on the lives of people. To become a significant part of your community, you need to figure out how many followers make your account famous. Social media experts suggest buying Instagram followers of about 10% of the target for a positive start. However, always keep in mind that some of these sites are risky, which makes it important to use the best sites to get Instagram likes such as

The Instagram influencers you look up to started at zero followers too, and their secret is their marketing strategies. To be Instagram famous, you need to get a positive start and have more followers than a meagre 1000 followers. You need to focus on the quality of your content to provide your users with value and visual aesthetics. You can cross the different popularity tiers and break limits with consistency and the right social media strategy.

First Tier – Less than 5k Followers

Growing on Instagram from zero followers is a difficult feat. Getting the first thousand to five thousand people to follow seems difficult and comes with frequent ups and downs. You can buy Instagram followers to achieve the first thousand followers to speed up the process. The best sites to buy Instagram followers deliver their services using organic methods, making your account look promising. Most people reach the five thousand landmark by requesting their friends, families, and colleagues to follow and share their content. If you are on other social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, you can promote your accounts using cross-platform methods. Simultaneously, engage with influencers and brands in your niche to get noticed.

Second Tier – 5k to 50k Followers

Crossing the first level is the hardest, after which one’s Instagram journey becomes relatively smooth. If you incorporate the right tactics, you will reach the second level in no time, along with earning anywhere between $30 and $200 per post. Shoutout for shoutout is one of the most frequently adopted tactics. When you have a good amount of followers and engagement, brands collaborating with micro-influencers will likely approach you. Most shoutouts are posted on Instagram stories, as captions in posts, as links in bio, and through dedicated posts. Posting quality content consistently and engaging with your followers is necessary. You can hire a dedicated social media team from one of the best ways to purchase Instagram followers from and focus on the content you put out.

Third Tier – 50k to 200k Followers

Entering the third tier is when you get termed as an influencer and move on from the tag of a micro-influencer. Most people forget that they need to keep on working for followers, and the right strategy will help them achieve 200k followers in a very short time. Collaborating with bigger accounts in your niche and getting featured on the profile of brands can help you reach more people. Learn about Instagram promotions and your audience to create marketable campaigns. Some influencers collaborate with brands and host giveaways for hitting milestones, which is a good way to motivate people to follow their accounts. You can use other services from the best sites to buy Instagram followers to turn your campaign into a successful promotional activity.

Fourth Tier – 200k to 1M followers

You have successfully become a top-tier influencer and are close to reaching the celebrity mark of 1M followers. Everyone knows that the key to becoming a successful influencer is maintaining a good relationship with followers, but a key move is to make other influential friends. Attend industry events, collaborate with them on social media campaigns, and flaunt them on your stories/posts to connect with their followers too. You can launch a product or get featured on a talk show to reach more people. You can buy Instagram followers, but getting a dedicated social media team and graphic team from the best sites to buy Instagram followers might help you manage your responsibilities.

Fifth Tier (Ultimate Popularity) – 1M+ Followers

You have officially become a major celebrity and can charge over $4000 per post.  In case you cross the 10M mark, charging $40,000 per post is reasonable. You could sell curated courses, join podcasts, sell books, or create merchandise for your loyal followers.

Very few influencers get to the fifth tier, but you never know. With Instagram, the sky is the limit, and the world is your canvas. If the article helped you get some key takeaways, leave a comment below, and let us know what you would do if you had a million followers.

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